#tube settler
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Tube settler lamella, dalam dunia pengolahan air, efisiensi dan efektivitas adalah dua hal yang sangat penting. Salah satu teknologi yang telah terbukti mampu meningkatkan kinerja proses pengolahan air adalah Tube Settler Lamella. Tube Settler Lamella adalah sistem sedimentasi yang dirancang untuk meningkatkan luas permukaan pengendapan, sehingga memungkinkan partikel padatan dalam air mengendap lebih cepat dan efisien. Teknologi ini banyak digunakan dalam instalasi pengolahan air minum (IPAM), pengolahan air limbah, serta industri yang memerlukan proses pemisahan padatan dan cairan.
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tube settler clarifier 0813-3535-3290
Informasi lengkap : kontak kami wa.dotme/6281335353290 lokasi : https://maps.app.goo.gl/XA6LhwHGwh4gudhWA marketplace : https://www.tokopedia.com/heframid/tube-settler-lamella-pvc-blue-good-quality
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Tube Settler Polycarbonate, 0813-3535-3290
Tube Settler Polycarbonate, Air merupakan sumber daya penting untuk kehidupan manusia, dan proses pengolahan air yang efisien sangat diperlukan untuk memastikan kualitas air tetap baik. Salah satu teknologi yang digunakan untuk meningkatkan efisiensi pengolahan air adalah tube settler, yang bertujuan mempercepat proses pengendapan partikel padat dalam air. Salah satu material yang digunakan untuk membuat tube settler adalah polycarbonate. Material ini memiliki keunggulan dalam hal kekuatan, ketahanan terhadap korosi, dan transparansi, yang menjadikannya pilihan yang ideal. Tube settler adalah sistem yang terdiri dari serangkaian tabung yang dirancang untuk mempercepat pengendapan partikel padat dalam air. Tabung-tabung ini disusun dengan kemiringan tertentu untuk memanfaatkan gaya gravitasi dalam proses pengendapan. Tube settler polycarbonate dibuat menggunakan bahan polycarbonate, sebuah plastik yang kuat dan tahan lama, dengan banyak keunggulan dibandingkan bahan lain.
Apa Itu Tube Settler Polycarbonate? Tube settler adalah sebuah alat yang digunakan dalam pengolahan air untuk mempercepat proses pengendapan. Alat ini terdiri dari serangkaian tabung yang disusun dalam suatu wadah dengan kemiringan tertentu, memungkinkan partikelpartikel padat dalam air mengendap lebih cepat akibat gaya gravitasi. Tube settler polycarbonate adalah jenis tube settler yang terbuat dari polycarbonate, sebuah bahan termoplastik yang memiliki banyak keunggulan dibandingkan material lain. Polycarbonate memiliki kekuatan mekanik yang sangat baik, transparansi yang tinggi, serta ketahanan terhadap suhu ekstrem dan bahan kimia. Oleh karena itu, polycarbonate sering digunakan dalam berbagai aplikasi yang memerlukan daya tahan tinggi, termasuk dalam sistem pengolahan air.
Cara Kerja Tube Settler Polycarbonate
Prinsip kerja tube settler adalah memperlambat aliran air agar partikel padat dapat mengendap lebih cepat. Air yang mengandung partikel padat dimasukkan ke dalam tabung-settler, dan karena gravitasi, partikel-partikel tersebut mengendap di dasar tabung. Air yang sudah lebih bersih kemudian mengalir keluar dari sistem.
Langkah-langkah Kerja:
Aliran Air Masuk: Air dengan partikel padat dimasukkan ke dalam tabung.
Penurunan Kecepatan: Air diperlambat di dalam tabung.
Pengendapan Partikel: Partikel padat mengendap ke bawah.
Air Bersih Keluar: Air yang bersih keluar dan dapat diproses lebih lanjut.
Keunggulan Tube Settler Polycarbonate
Kekuatan dan Ketahanan: Polycarbonate memiliki kekuatan tinggi, tahan terhadap benturan, dan suhu ekstrem.
Transparansi: Memudahkan pemantauan kondisi dalam tabung.
Tahan Korosi: Tidak mudah rusak oleh bahan kimia atau air dengan pH ekstrim.
Ringan dan Mudah Dipasang: Membuat instalasi lebih cepat dan murah.
Ramah Lingkungan: Polycarbonate dapat didaur ulang.
Aplikasi Tube Settler Polycarbonate
Tube settler polycarbonate digunakan dalam berbagai aplikasi pengolahan air, seperti:
Pengolahan Air Minum: Memurnikan air dengan mengendapkan partikel padat.
Pengolahan Air Limbah: Mempercepat pengendapan bahan padat dari air limbah.
Industri: Menjamin kualitas air untuk proses produksi di berbagai industri.
Pengairan Pertanian: Menjaga kualitas air untuk irigasi tanaman.
Desalinasi: Menghilangkan garam dan partikel dari air laut.
Pemasangan dan Perawatan
Desain dan Perencanaan: Menyesuaikan kapasitas dan kebutuhan sistem.
Instalasi Struktur Pendukung: Memastikan struktur tabung kokoh dan stabil.
Pemasangan Tabung: Menyusun tabung dengan kemiringan yang tepat.
Pembersihan Rutin: Membersihkan tabung dari kotoran dan sumbatan.
Pengecekan: Memastikan tidak ada kerusakan pada material.
Pembuangan Lumpur: Mengeluarkan lumpur secara berkala untuk menjaga efisiensi.
Tube settler polycarbonate adalah solusi efisien untuk pengolahan air, menawarkan banyak keuntungan seperti kekuatan, ketahanan terhadap korosi, dan transparansi. Penggunaan material ini dapat mempercepat proses pengendapan dan memisahkan partikel dengan lebih efektif, baik dalam pengolahan air minum, air limbah, maupun kebutuhan industri lainnya. Keunggulan tube settler polycarbonate, ditambah dengan pemasangan dan pemeliharaan yang tepat, membuatnya menjadi pilihan yang sangat baik untuk meningkatkan efisiensi sistem pengolahan air secara keseluruhan.
informasi lebih lengkap hubungi:
kontak kami: wa.me/6281335353290
lokasi: https://maps.app.goo.gl/XA6LhwHGwh4gudhWA
marketplce: https://www.tokopedia.com/beonecakraid/tube-settler-lamella-pvc-tube-settler-sendimentasi
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Looking for an efficient water clarification solution? Look no further than Tube Settler! This innovative solution provides efficient and effective removal of suspended solids in wastewater and process water. Ideal for use in water treatment plants, paper mills, and more, Tube Settler provides a high-quality water clarification solution that is both efficient and cost-effective.Shop for tube settler online at Inditechkart and receive the best quality product. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing you with the best customer service and the highest-quality products.For more information, Visit our website- www.inditechkart.com or email us at [email protected].
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Supplier Tube Settler, 0813-3535-3290
Supplier tube settler, Pengolahan air adalah salah satu aspek penting dalam memastikan kualitas air yang dapat digunakan untuk berbagai kebutuhan, baik domestik maupun industri. Salah satu teknologi yang digunakan dalam proses pengolahan air adalah tube settler atau pemisah endapan dengan tabung. Alat ini sangat efektif dalam meningkatkan efisiensi proses pengendapan, yang merupakan salah satu tahapan kritis dalam sistem Supplier Tube Settlerpengolahan air.
Salah satu kunci utama untuk memastikan keberhasilan pengolahan air adalah pemilihan supplier yang tepat untuk komponen dan peralatan yang digunakan. Dalam hal ini, supplier tube settler memegang peranan penting dalam menyediakan produk berkualitas yang dapat mendukung proses pengolahan air yang optimal. Artikel ini akan membahas mengenai pengertian, cara kerja, manfaat, serta pentingnya memilih supplier tube settler yang terpercaya untuk mendapatkan sistem pengolahan air yang efisien dan berkelanjutan.
Pengertian Tube Settler
Tube settler adalah sistem pemisahan partikel padat dari air yang berfungsi untuk mempercepat proses pengendapan. Sistem ini terdiri dari serangkaian tabung berbentuk silinder atau pipa yang disusun secara vertikal dengan sudut tertentu. Tube settler bekerja dengan prinsip memanfaatkan gravitasi untuk mengendapkan partikel padat dalam air.
Dalam proses pengolahan air, tube settler digunakan untuk meningkatkan kecepatan pengendapan dalam kolom penampung air, dengan demikian dapat mempercepat pemisahan partikel-partikel padat yang terkandung dalam air. Teknologi ini banyak digunakan dalam instalasi pengolahan air (IPA) untuk mengurangi beban kerja sistem pengolahan lanjutan, seperti filtrasi.
Cara Kerja Tube Settler
Proses pengolahan air menggunakan tube settler dimulai dengan memasukkan air kotor yang mengandung partikel-partikel tersuspensi ke dalam tangki atau kolam pengendapan. Air yang masuk kemudian mengalir melalui serangkaian tabung yang tersusun dengan kemiringan tertentu. Dalam tabung-tabung ini, air akan mengalir secara vertikal dan memungkinkan partikel-partikel berat (seperti lumpur, kotoran, dan sedimen) untuk mengendap ke dasar tabung akibat gaya gravitasi.
Karena adanya struktur tabung yang tersusun rapat, area permukaan untuk pengendapan menjadi lebih luas, yang memungkinkan proses pengendapan berlangsung lebih cepat. Setelah air melewati tube settler, air yang telah terpisah dari partikel padat akan bergerak ke tahap berikutnya dalam proses pengolahan air, seperti filtrasi dan disinfeksi.
Komponen dalam Sistem Tube Settler
Sistem tube settler terdiri dari beberapa komponen utama, antara lain:
Manfaat Penggunaan Tube Settler
Sistem tube settler memberikan berbagai manfaat dalam proses pengolahan air. Beberapa manfaat utama dari penggunaan tube settler adalah:
Memilih Supplier Tube Settler yang Tepat
Pemilihan supplier tube settler yang tepat sangat penting untuk memastikan kualitas dan efisiensi sistem pengolahan air. Berikut beberapa faktor yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam memilih supplier yang dapat memenuhi kebutuhan Anda:
Studi Kasus: Penggunaan Tube Settler dalam Pengolahan Air Minum
Di beberapa kota besar, pengolahan air minum menggunakan sistem tube settler telah terbukti sangat efektif. Misalnya, di salah satu instalasi pengolahan air di Jakarta, penerapan tube settler berhasil meningkatkan efisiensi pengolahan air sebanyak 30%. Dengan menggunakan sistem ini, waktu pengendapan air yang sebelumnya memakan waktu berhari-hari kini dapat diselesaikan dalam beberapa jam saja. Hasilnya, kualitas air yang diproduksi lebih tinggi, dan kapasitas pengolahan meningkat tanpa perlu menambah ukuran instalasi yang signifikan.
Sistem tube settler merupakan salah satu solusi inovatif dalam pengolahan air yang dapat meningkatkan efisiensi proses pengendapan. Penggunaan tube settler memberikan berbagai manfaat, seperti peningkatan kualitas air, pengurangan ukuran instalasi, serta pengurangan biaya operasional. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk memilih supplier tube settler yang tepat agar sistem pengolahan air yang dibangun dapat berjalan dengan optimal. Dengan mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor seperti reputasi, kualitas produk, dan layanan purna jual, Anda dapat memastikan bahwa investasi dalam teknologi ini memberikan hasil yang maksimal untuk kebutuhan pengolahan air Anda.
Pemilihan supplier yang tepat, didukung dengan teknologi dan solusi terbaik, akan membawa dampak positif bagi sistem pengolahan air yang berkelanjutan dan efisien.
Informasi lebih lengkap hubungi :
Kontak kami : wa.me/6281335353290
Lokasi : https://maps.app.goo.gl/XA6LhwHGwh4gudhWA
Market place : https://www.tokopedia.com/beonecakraid/tube-settler-lamella-pvc-tube-settler-sendimentasi
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Tube settler lamella
Tube settler lamella merupakan solusi yang efektif dan efisien dalam sistem pengolahan air.
Informasi kontak kami :
Kontak : 0813-3535-3290
Shopee : Hefram ID
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Tube settler pvc. Dalam dunia pengolahan air, efisiensi dan efektivitas adalah dua hal yang sangat penting. Salah satu teknologi yang telah terbukti mampu meningkatkan kinerja pengolahan air adalah Tube Settler PVC. Tube settler, atau juga dikenal sebagai lamella clarifier, adalah sistem yang dirancang untuk meningkatkan kapasitas pengendapan partikel dalam proses pengolahan air. Dengan menggunakan material PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride), tube settler ini menjadi solusi yang ekonomis, tahan lama, dan ramah lingkungan
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#Jual Tube Settler#Pemakaian Tube Settler dalam proses sedimentasi merupakan salah satu alternatif untuk lebih meningkatkan prosentase penyisihan kekeruhan da#Hubungi kami :#PT Hefram Asasta Indonesia#Pergudangan Salsabilla No. 77 Cibinong Bogor Jawa Barat#Maps https://www.google.com/maps/place/PT+Hefram+Asasta+Indonesia/@-6.4378302#106.5543119#10z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x4c873a6add3a3c31:0x5b512902988bca48!8m2!3d-6.438589!4d106.8345184?coh=164777&entry=tt&shorturl=1#Telepon 021-8372-2169#Whatsapp : wa.me/6281335353290#Market place:tokopedia https://www.tokopedia.com/aimfilter#bakteri pengurai besi#bakteri pengurai minyak di laut#bakteri pengurai plastik#bakteri transgenik#bakteri pengurai lemak#bioremediasi untuk mengatasi tumpahan minyak#bakteri hidrokarbonoklastik#contoh bakteri hidrokarbonoklastik#mikroba pemakan minyak#bakteri pseudomonas dapat menguraikan#molekul minyak menjadi#contoh mikroorganisme yang berperan untuk mengatasi masalah pencemaran#biowaste adalah bakteri penghasil energi ramah lingkungan#pengurailimbahmurah#pengurailimbahminyakmakanan#pengurailimbahterbaik#pengurailimbahorganik#bakteripengurailemak#bakteripengurailemaklaut
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Promo Tube Settler Picture Hubungi 0813-3535-3290
Tube Settler adalah susunan tube (selongsong) dengan kemiringan 60 derajat. Tabung lamella yang digunakan dalam tangki sedimentasi pengolahan limbah, memiliki masa pakai yang lama dan biaya rendah, yang dua kali masa pakai pipa miring sarang lebah.
Alamat PT Hefram : Jl. Raya Cikaret komplek ruko salsabila no 77, Pabuaran, Kec. Cibinong, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat 16915 https://www.google.com/maps/place/PT+Hefram+Asasta+Indonesia/@-6.4378302,106.5543119,10z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m5!3m4!1s0x4c873a6add3a3c31:0x5b512902988bca48!8m2!3d-6.438589!4d106.8345184?coh=164777&entry=tt&shorturl=1 No. Telepon: 02183722169 whatsapp : http://wa.me/6281335353290
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Let There be Light
This is my piece for Sodor Lightshow this year! I decided to focus it on Hannukah, as I am Jewish myself (but please note that I am VERY much anti-IOF/Israeli settlers/the Israeli government) and wanted to lean into the theme of light in dark places. Please enjoy.
Summary: On Christmas Day of 1946, Skarloey is left behind as Rheneas works. However, he soon discovers that a miracle has, perhaps, still found him.
Characters: Skarloey, OC, the Thin Controller, Mr. Ivo Hugh, Rheneas
Rating: T
Word Count: ~2,800 words
(Also on Ao3!)
Christmas Day of 1946 saw the snow raining down in fat, heavy flakes, a far cry from the delicate snowfalls often depicted in the films and advertisements. It blanketed the rails in pristine, paper-white coverlets, soft yet deceptive in its pristine purity. Evening had fallen, the bleak blackness of the Sudrian winter all-encompassing, void-like in its reach. Not even the stars were out tonight, it seemed, the clouds too thick and quilt-like for such a delicate glow to pierce through.
Despite the pervasive dim, however, there was still a certain brightness to be found, all across Sodor. As far as the eye could see, streetlights and lamps lit up the night, pushing back the darkness like a river of light, winding its way through Crovan’s Gate like an ephemeral twin to the Hawin Dooiey as, unimpeded by the winter weather, it continued its rush toward the sea. This picture postcard of a landscape was truly a sight to behold, especially as families dressed in their festive best made their way to church for the evening prayers, braving the snows to embrace the warmth of the soul’s salvation. It was a return to normalcy after many a difficult year, and the entirety of Crovan’s Gate—as well as the Skarloey Valley as a whole—was determined to do so.
For the Skarloey Railway’s No. 1 engine, however, a return to normalcy this was not.
“I’m sorry, Skarloey, but Rheneas will be solely responsible for pulling the Christmas train this year.”
For a long moment, Skarloey thought that he’d misheard. He stared for several seconds at the Thin Controller, who was dressed in his best suit (an elegant navy blue) and overcoat, trying desperately to stand away from the blowing steam in his best attempt at preserving their color. Perhaps the longer Skarloey looked, the greater the possibility that the shrill creaking noise brought on by his hyperventilating might magically stop.
“Wha—what do you mean, sir?” Skarloey finally replied, trying desperately and failing miserably to keep his voice from warbling.
“I mean what I said, old boy. Ivo’s looked you over, and said that you should only be run in emergencies,” Mr. Peter Sam sighed, sharing a glance with Mr. Ivo Hugh, who was already standing at Rheneas’ footplate. The engineer looked on gravely, sorrow clouding his eyes even as his lips pressed shut in a firm, stern line. “The Christmas train is important, yes, but we can’t risk you damaging yourself in this snow.”
“But… I… Rheneas, please! Tell them that—”
But the protests died in Skarloey’s tubes at the sight of his brother, who was giving him the same sad expression as their engineer. “I’m sorry too, Skarloey, but our Controller is right. You’re already in dire condition; what if something happens to you? And if it did, what would we do about the passengers?”
Skarloey truly, deeply wished that he could come up with a retort, a rebuttal, or even a reply, but he had nothing. The resulting silence spoke for itself.
“...Alright. I understand,” Skarloey managed at last, forcing himself to calm. “It’s for the best, really. With all this snow, it would just be an uphill climb, even downhill. Heh. I’ll just… wait here.”
“Thank you, Skarloey,” Mr. Peter Sam smiled gently, delivering a light pat to his bufferbeam. “Now, if you’re ready, Rheneas, we’d best be off. Let’s go!”
“...Right, sir,” the No. 2 engine replied somberly as Mr. Hugh eased off the brake and he began to inch forward, headlamp shining as he pushed his way forward into the storm. “I’ll be back soon, Skarloey! I promise,” Rheneas called, and his brother forced his lips to lift into a wan smile.
“Please give everyone my best regards!”
“I will!” With that last shout, Rheneas, bearing the last of the shed’s light with him, was soon out of sight, heading off to gather the coaches. The Thin Controller watched him go, then gave Skarloey one last pat.
“You’re a good sport. Wait here, and we’ll be back soon. Merry Christmas.” Without another word, he quickly headed off, bustling toward the platform.
In his haste, he didn’t even hear Skarloey’s mechanical refrain.
Now alone in the shed, Skarloey had nothing to do but wait. More and more lights appeared, illusory stars dancing on the water until the ripples hurried them along. The warm golden lamplight, however, didn’t quite reach the shed, and so, the once-golden engine of the line had only the company of the long shadows carpeting the wooden walls. Outside, the storm had picked up in its intensity, howling in its triumph. Slowly, Skarloey allowed his eyelids to flutter shut, trying to push the tide of unrest at bay and perhaps indulge in a nap.
Crunch crunch crunch. The sound of footsteps in the snow caused Skarloey’s eyes to snap open, darting all around as he struggled to pinpoint the source of the noise. Who in the world would be visiting now, at this time of night? Especially on Christmas, no less!
For a moment, his mind conjured the image of a burglar, coming to take advantage of the fact that the entire valley and a great majority of the town would be holed up in church. What could he do? He hadn’t the steam to whistle, and without his fire burning and air rushing through his tubes, his voice wouldn’t carry. His brake was securely set, meaning he had no hopes of moving anywhere either. Did he really have no recourse beyond bluffing his way through?
Steeling himself, Skarloey attempted to put on a brave face in the hopes that he might intimidate whoever was coming, but the sudden brightness of a lantern in his face caused him to flinch instead.
“Gah!” he winced, eyes reflexively closing in response, but at the thought of a possible burglary, forced them open once more, and tried to adopt the sort of voice that the Owner used when speaking with insolent Sodor Island Council members. “I don’t know who you are, but you are trespassing—”
“Easy! Easy, Skarloey! It’s me!”
The sharp lamplight finally freed Skarloey of its piercing glint as the visitor (likely no longer a vandal, in Skarloey’s estimation) set the lamp on the floor of the shed. As his vision cleared, the engine was left meeting the eyes of Jakob, one of the cleaners. Jakob was still in his work uniform and overcoat, despite the late hour, and his thick, bushy beard was rather unkempt, proof of a hard day’s work polishing both the engines and the coaches until they gleamed. “Oh, Jakob! I’m so sorry; I thought you were a burglar!”
The cleaner laughed, the sound light as it seemed to carry through the entire shed. “No harm done! I was planning on heading home a while ago, but this storm isn’t one I’d like to travel in.”
“Head home?” Skarloey questioned, eyes wide. “I’m shocked that you’re not at church already!”
“Ah, well,” Jakob chuckled, although this time, his laughter was slightly less bright. “I, uh, don’t actually celebrate Christmas. I was supposed to finish my work and be home by sundown, but given the weather, that wasn’t happening. I’ve already phoned my family, and I figured that while I wait for the storm to die down, I’ll just… wait here with you, if that’s alright.”
“Oh, yes! Of course!” Skarloey blurted out, looking around frantically for a chair or some other equivalent, until his eyes settled on a sturdy crate sitting in a corner of the shed. “Erm, there’s a crate over there that you can use. Please, you’re more than welcome to stay! For however long you’d like.”
The cleaner paused, then gave a quiet, grateful smile. He bent over, picked up his lantern, and hung it up on a hook halfway up one of the support beams, better illuminating the sheds before pulling over the crate to sit beside the old engine. “Well, thank you, Skarloey. Better to have company on a night like tonight than none at all, right?”
If Skarloey could nod, he would have. Instead, he did his best to channel the less-than-physical warmth sparking in his firebox into his smile. “I couldn’t agree more.”
After a moment of comfortable silence, though, curiosity got the better of him.
“So, Jakob, I will apologize in advance if this ends up being an awkward subject, but…” Skarloey took a quick breath, trying to think of how to word his thoughts. Beside him, the 40-something looked on, a slight tilt to his head as his eyes widened, waiting for the engine to continue. “If you don’t celebrate Christmas, then… do you celebrate anything at all? I mean, the Owner always talks about how the whole valley’s ‘Methodist,’ which I think is the same as ‘Christian,’ and I’ve also been told that ‘all good Christians go to church on Christmas.’ But you’re not going to church, so… I mean…”
Skarloey decided that he really should have stopped talking a thought or two ago, so he let the words die off there. Jakob, however, didn’t look particularly offended, although he wasn’t quite in good humor, either; rather, his expression was one akin to thinking through how to explain something that people generally considered to be common knowledge. It was a face that Skarloey in particular was quite familiar with.
“Well, erm… I’m not a Methodist, or a Christian, for that matter. I’m Jewish, so my family and I celebrate Hannukah. Are you familiar with that at all?”
“Jewish… Jewish…” Skarloey chewed on the word a moment, trying to place it. He’d heard it recently, he was sure, but where? Suddenly, it dawned on him, and his eyes widened in grim horror as he stared at the cleaner, who was meeting his gaze with a guarded, yet resigned expression. “Oh, Jakob! The war! You… oh… I’m… so, so sorry. I—”
“Hush! None of that now,” Jakob retorted sternly, cutting Skarloey off before he could say another word. The silence that followed was no longer companionable, but fragile, glassy. The lamplight loomed, the shadows lengthening.
Still, Jakob forced himself on. “It’s true that I lost family during the war. My parents came here when I was very young, and we left much of our family behind. But I still live. My daughters still live. We are here. And on this night, we are celebrating that fact the way my ancestors did during their war, by rebuilding and living and proving that life, and light, continue, even in the darkest of places.”
Skarloey wasn’t familiar with which historic war Jakob was speaking of, but he could hear the emotion thick in his voice, tears clogging his throat. The engine couldn’t possibly begin to relate to Jakob’s particular situation, but the desire to live, to celebrate living, all while mourning those who had passed—appreciating that he was still here, and still had family, amidst tragedy—that much he could empathize with. It made his own loneliness feel somewhat less overwhelming. “...I’m glad you’re here, Jakob,” the old engine murmured softly, and the cleaner, his shoulders shaking, gave Skarloey a wide smile as the lamplight glinted off the rivulets running down his cheeks.
“Me too, Skarloey,” Jakob managed, reaching out a hand to pat Skarloey’s bufferbeam while wiping his face with the other. “Working on this railway is one of the best things to have ever happened to me.”
Once again, a breath of silence fell, not quite as easy as the first or fragile as the second, and Skarloey took the opportunity to change the subject, perhaps toward something a little happier. “Jakob, you mentioned that you celebrate something called Hannukah earlier. I don’t know much about it, but why don’t we… I don’t know, do something? To celebrate?” The engine’s eyes lifted to where the storm was still roaring away outside, seemingly unlikely to lift anytime soon.
With his tears finally stalling, the cleaner blinked the last of them away, his brow furrowing in thought. “That’s not a bad idea, but I’m not sure how.” Suddenly, Jakob gave a quick gasp and leapt to his feet, looking eagerly at Skarloey. “How about this? Let’s light some lights, hmmm?”
“Lights?” Skarloey echoed, a questioning lilt to his voice. “Whatever for?”
“Hannukah is also called the Festival of Lights,” Jakob answered, walking away from the crate and starting to search the shelves. “We’ll need nine of them for this, as tonight is, in fact, the last night of Hannukah!”
“Oh!” Skarloey exclaimed, his interest piqued as he watched Jakob bustle around.
With a triumphant grin, the cleaner finally found what he was looking for. The shed was well-stocked, and as part of its provisions, spare lanterns and a box of candles all stood ready, as if waiting for this very moment. “A-ha! Here they are! Although…” Jakob’s lips pinched together in frustration as he counted up the lanterns. “There’s only six of them here! And worse, we don’t even have a table to put these on!”
The cleaner’s disappointment was clear, and Skarloey felt a pang of anxiousness shoot through him. No! They were so close! The engine cast his gaze down, trying to think, when suddenly, the obvious solution presented itself.
“Jakob!” Skarloey cried. “We can arrange them on my bufferbeam!”
Jakob’s head whipped around to stare askance at the engine, who was staring back at him with fiery determination. “Look! We can attach my headlamps alongside the ones you’ve found. That makes eight. And there’s also the one you brought in! That’s nine!”
At the realization, Jakob’s eyes seemed to sparkle. “That’s brilliant! But… what if they topple over?”
“I couldn’t move a meter, even if I wanted to!” Skarloey replied, his voice brighter than it had been all day, his tongue almost tripping over his words in his excitement. “A-and, there’s no wind here! So long as you’re mindful of your elbows, I think we’ll be quite alright!”
Once again, Jakob’s lips lifted up into a blinding smile. “Well thought! Give me just a moment!” Quickly, the lamps were arranged on Skarloey’s bufferbeam, spaced as well as they could so that they’d all fit. Once that was done, Jakob took the lantern he’d initially brought off of its hook, bringing it over to the others as Skarloey watched on, absolutely entranced and, fortunately, quite unable to shiver with the anticipation he so keenly felt.
“I’ve never had the honor of seeing such a large menorah before. That’s what we call the candle holder that we use for Hannukah. But then again, I’ve never done anything like this before, so this is quite the honor either way!” A slight tremor had made its way into Jakob’s voice, nervousness warring with eagerness, but he forced himself to breathe. This too could not be rushed.
With all the solemnity of performing a rite, Jakob opened his lantern and pulled out the candle within. “This is our shammash,” the cleaner explained reverently. “It’s known as the attendant, and I’ll be using this to light the others, from the lantern representing the first day to the one representing the last.” His explanation concluded, Jakob then began to light the lanterns, from right to left. With each one lit, another flame sparking to life, the darkness fled a little farther until the entire shed was awash in light, brilliant and beautiful, just short of blinding.
Once he’d finished, Jakob returned the initial candle to its lantern, and set it in the middle of the beam, right in front of Skarloey’s face. Slowly, Jakob brought his hands to his own face, covering his eyes, and Skarloey closed his as well.
“Barukh ata Adonai Eloheinu, melekh ha'olam, asher kid'shanu b'mitzvotav v'tzivanu l'hadlik ner Hanukkah.”
Skarloey didn’t know what the words meant, but he could hear the reverence, the gratitude, the sheer joy in Jakob’s voice. Skarloey knew that joy; it was the same joy that he could hear on church days when the parishioners sang loud enough that, as the pastor claimed, their very voices could reach Heaven. “My goodness,” Skarloey breathed. “What was that?”
“It’s a prayer of thanks,” Jakob replied simply. “A prayer of thanks for the miracle that is these lights.”
“Thanks for a miracle…” Skarloey mused, thinking that it was fitting indeed, given the events of tonight. “Is ‘amen’ used by Jewish people as well?”
“It is.”
“Then… amen,” Skarloey replied, his voice delicate and reverent. Jakob simply smiled in response, both engine’s and cleaner’s expressions bright.
The shadows would be back soon enough, of course; but by this small miracle, at least for tonight, their hearts were light, another flame on the river.
#ttte#te writes trains#sodor lightshow 2024#ttte skarloey#ttte rheneas#ttte the thin controller#ttte mr. ivo hugh#ttte oc
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what happens if we grab radec's gas mask tube thing and suck it like a straw
you would relive the the first helgan settlers experience. as in, youll probably die from carbon dioxide poisoning.
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MALCOLM COCHRAN, Sad Wave, 1991. Hair (cow tails), plywood, hardware cloth, adhesive, steel tubing, air spouts, blower 5'x 24' x 7'
By combining disparate objects Malcolm Cochran's work elicits powerful emotions. SAD WAVE is a plot of cow hair that eternally "falls" toward the viewer. Surrounded by air ducts and guard rails this structure can be seen as reliquary for much of our past, both public and private: The vast herds of buffalo that once inhabited the plains (which the first settlers saw as an unending sea of grass); the millions of cattle which poured into the slaughter yards of Kansas City and Cincinnati; the movement of a horse across a meadows the tumble of the long grass under the trees of an orchard; the feel of a lover's hair, or a child's; the woven hair in mourning pins and lockets; a fur coat; a sleeping cat; a wig. All of these things and more are evoked instantly by the sight, sound and smell of this deceptively simple piece. Cochran is not angry, nor is he judgmental; he seems to be asking us only to remember. It is the depth of that request that is so powerful. That we be asked to remember all that we have done, the good with the bad. And more, perhaps we are being asked to view ourselves in perspective. SAD WAVE does not move because the cows are dead. They died so that we could eat, we eat so that we can live, we live so that others can live and we also live because others have died. Like a waver this process goes on eternally, part of us for-ever.
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